Review on the GT-BIO series for seabass!

Review on the GT-BIO series for seabass!

With Charlies Fishing Adventures

We have been thinking about adding some extra seabass candy to our shop, when out of the blue we got a message from Marco Haarmans; asking if we would like to test the GT-BIO series on seabass. 


It's Sunday the 25th of June, 6:30 AM. The tide is slowly rising as we met Marco at his boat; a lovely Boston Whaler that has the right equipment for a good day of fishing. Marco has been fishing for many years as a hobbyist and is active as a fishing guide. He knows the game, he knows what to do, and he's a real kind guy too! It's a person who shares the same energy, as we noticed right away! 

We took off and went to the first fishing spot. Marco showed us some of the GT-BIO baits he has been using. They are lead-free, have a weedless design and have a unique shiny head. Something which I think is very attractive to seabass and other saltwater species. The swimming action on both the Roller shad and the Sandeel is superb!! We immediately got the feeling this could be a real fish magnet, and what is more important than to fish with something you trust?


The Roller shads and Kameleo Sandeel. GT-Bio offers many differents sizes, colors and weights which are available in our shop


The current at the first spot was way too high, so we decided to not waste any time and go to another spot close to a pier. Marco anchored the boat using his fronttroller, a piece of equipment which is really worth the buck. I grabbed a 12 grams jighead on a 8 cm Roller shad in color Ghost Anchovy. Threw it upstream, let is sink to the bottom and.. BOOM! 


A nice 53 centimeter seabass got lifted up from the bottom and with some effort I managed to get it in the net! This was only just the begin.. 

What a start! Me and Marco were super satisfied by the first fish, which is a pretty decent one too. Time to keep casting, and see what's down there! 

It didn't take long till Silvian hooked onto his first fish of the day. Another nice fish that just couldn't resist the Roller shad! After releasing this fish it just kept going on and on.. But the strange thing was that some guys on the pier were fishing there as well, but didn't catch a thing! They seemed pretty bothered as we kept reeling in one fish after another. 

It was hammertime! But Marco had the feeling he could get a bigger fish to bite, and switched over to a Kameleo Sandeel. This was definitely the right choice, as Marco managed to catch a 60+ seabass on his second cast. 

 The Kameleo Sandeel, something the bigger fish love!  

We kept on fishing until the tide turned and we started to get sunburned. In total we managed to catch around 20 Seabass and one Mackerel. The GT-Bio shads are definitely the saver of the day, as no other angler managed to catch seabass. I think these lures would have brought those guys some fish for sure. The colors are great, the action is perfect and they come in different sizes and weights. And above that: they are a lead-free product for a friendly price. A product that you should definitely give a try! 

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