John Willems

Targeting seabass in The Netherlands can be quite a challenge! But John Willems has mastered the salty game, making it high-likely to land one of these silver predators if you join him on a fishing trip.

He’s a very kind and helping guy who loves to share his passion about seabass fishing. 

If you are looking for a good time on the water, and ready to learn more about seabass fishing then check his website out here and book! 

Read our blog

Seabass Fishing with John Willems

Contact John Willems

Click here for contact information and booking information John Willems Visling

AuthorJohn Willems

John Willems is a sea boat and beach fisherman, workshop trainer in fish filleting and preparation, cook, blogger, editor Zeehengelsport and lecturer in vocational training. As host of the filleting workshops, he will ensure an interesting evening that you will remember with pleasure.

AuthorJohn Willems

Going for a day of fishing from the small boat? John will take you safely out onto the saltwater and with his vast knowledge of fishing spots and fishing techniques, he is sure to give you a wonderful day of fishing. Good tools are half the battle! Have you caught fish and are getting hungry. Visling's knives make filleting a lot easier.

AuthorJohn Willems

Funny word Visling? Wondering what it means? John will be happy to tell you!