Marco Haarmans
We have fished for seabass with Marco Haarmans a couple of times already, and never left the boat unsatisfied! He can teach you the basics of seabass fishing, but also bring your seabass fishing to a higher level.

About Marco Haarmans
Dutch and En
Boston Whaler Dauntless
One of our specialities is fishing with lures so we have several products from our own brand Labraxbaits & GT-Bio lead free, also we can do excellent fishing in the harbour area with float and zager, highly recommended for an exciting evening session.
My name is Marco Haarmans, 52 years old, and as a true citizen of Amsterdam, fishing has been part of my life. During my youth, I went fishing every day at the sloterplas where I fished for Pike, Zander and Perch with my first fishing boat. First with bait and later with small mistertwister shads in those days there was not much available. Over the past 20 years, I have gained an awful lot of experience fishing for bass and further improving the fishing boat. In 2020, we started our own lure brand, Labraxbaits, in collaboration with Rick Schuit schuitbaits, we developed several lures for saltwater and freshwater predators, and with success.
During our holidays, we fish both fresh and saltwater. From big tuna, sharks to small mini harders, everything is good as long as there is fishing!
I am happy to take you to various beautiful places where I will give you a day you will not soon forget. My boat is fully equipped.
If you would like more information about sea or freshwater fishing, please feel free to contact me at Theplace2Fish.
Also available to go Predator fishing in the heart of Amsterdam.
Perch, Zander and Pike
Fishing guide quality mark AHV