We thankfully look back at 2023 as it was a great succes!
As our Instagram page grew, we had the feeling of creating something unique to the community of anglers around the world. By designing, testing, developing and succesfully catching with our first prototype lures we managed to start a webshop with products we believe in!
Looking back at our first year of we are filled with joy! What started as a tiny online-shop, selling our own designed and handmade baits, grew out to a webshop with a lot of happy customers from all around the world!
Ready for a small trip down memory lane?
We started our first month online with our beloved Chubby and Chewy. 2 different baits which can be used through the entire year for literally every predatory specie! Where the Chewy is great for catching all year round, the Chubby specialises in wintertime madness!

The baits are designed in a 3D program. After designing we get a prototype by the use of a resin printer. Making a mold from the prototype allows us to cast the mold with non-toxic plastisol! After our first prototype we are ready to start fishing with it and see what the results are.

As the first models were sold and the feedback was great, it was time to step up our shop! We visited the Angelwelt fair in Berlin in 2022 and met some great people and brands.
From Februari on we started to sell Revolution Tackle online and people simply love it! We were one of the first shops in The Netherlands to represent Revolution Tackle and people are still in love with the unique designs and colors they bring to the market.

Not only did we bring Revolution Tackle to our shop, we also developed a new bait for a technique we have tried over and over, and are really happy about: NED RIG!
We designed a worm which is big enough to skip the small fish, and catch nice 25cm'up perch, pike and zander! Because of the versatality, colors and action we came up with the name: WICKED WORM!

Read more about the wicked worm, and why it is so effective!
We got so excited by making different style baits, we decided to go and add another bait. But this time we wanted to step up, make something unique, something special. It was time to create something for fishermen who spend long days or nights at the water chasing monsters. It was the beginning of the V-ONE! The V-ONE is available in 16 and 23,5CM.
As one of our first sketches turned into something interesting, it was time to take the sketch to the 3D program and create our first model!
We printed out the design in our 3D printer, made a mold, an brought it to the test!
The test was really really interesting, and especially promising! It was a windstil and cold night. Not a cloud in the sky. We just couldn't resist to test the V-ONE so we drove to the boat, loaded it and hit the throttle to a new fishing spot. What happened next was beyond insane..
We arrived at the first spot, stopped the engine and let the boat drift on the current. Silvian dropped his V-ONE 23,5 and it only took 30 seconds till he had fish on..
He managed to land this 86 centimeter beast on our first try out of the V-ONE. We were over excited but yet didn't know what was going to happen..
As we released the fish back in the water Silvian repositioned the boat to where he caught the big zander. Close to the spot was a narrow bridge, with light shining into the water. I knew there had to be baitfish around the light, so I added a 20 grams jighead to the V-ONE 16 and made a cast. It was the first cast after releasing the mighty zander.. BOOM!! A big strike! Immediately I felt some heavy weight on the other end of my line and after some time fighting and many runs later I was able to witness this crocodile:
We couldn't believe what happend in just 5 minutes of fishing.. on our new prototype.. at night..!!
'The V-ONE is one of a kind'
From that point we knew we wanted products in our shop that are unique and are proven to catch fish. This is what we stand for!
During closed season we were able to launch our first hoodie and crewneck with that epic text: Rise and shine, it's fishing time! A design which tells you to get out of bed, and start fishing with a smile!
As the season was back on track we added some lures that fitted the season. It was time to get off the softbaits and add some hardbaits. That why we added a selection with proven colors and baits from Rapala. A brand which is known to excist for a long time due to its perfect and awesome lures, which you can always rely on. One of our favorite is the Shad Rap Elite!
Also for seabass there is a lot of baits which work great. You can read a blogpost here!
As Seabass season was kicking off, it was time to add some baits which are great for targeting seabass. We got in contact with Marco Haarmans which is an reseller of GT-Bio. A brand which is quite unknown but has lures which catch seabass bigtime!
I think it was around Juli that we moved to Egmond Aan Zee. It's a nice town close to the beach. During summer there is a market every Wednesday so this was the first time that we were able to show our products to the crowd!
From there on we started to visit more small fairs and markets. Till we got in contact with FishXplorer.. A Swiss brand which is familiar for it's awesome gear like the well known Glove!
They invited us to the fair in Berlin in December, giving us the ability to reach out to many anglers! Excited as we were, we knew we had a load of work that still needed to be done. During August we were working on a new line of comfortable clothing for fishing, and we worked our ass off to finish all the designs before the fair started!
We managed to set up the PRO SERIES which excists of 4 of our favorite specimens that we fish for. They came out really great, in several colors and many sizes!
The Berlin fishing fair 2023 was amazing and we had a lot of happy customers and met so many people! A lot of love to all the people we met there and supported us! It gave us fresh energy to keep doing what we love to do, and so it continues! Let's see what 2024 brings us!
Thank you for reading and supporting!
Tight lines,
Charlie and Silvian.